Despite the gorgeous weather today I am feeling a bit blue. My daughter told me today she is tired of being alone. She is an only child. I am getting tired of waiting and waiting. First 2 years for a domestic infant placement and now 6 months for a pre-adoptive placement from foster care. I am frustrated. I realize criteria for the foster-to-adopt is quite narrow regarding age and gender (mainly due in part to my spouse's concerns). But really? Is there no child in the entire state that needs a home? Thanks for listening.
We too are still waiting...Been licensed to fost/adopt for a year and no end in site! We are looking in all states & our own!! They say "you don't have to be perfect to be a perfect parent", so why are we waiting so long...sorry, just venting!!! If we could just get a chance...
I right there with you guys. I'm looking for a sibling group. I thought it would be easier and it's far from it. I thought how hard could it be to find siblings from 2-14, any race, any gender with mild to moderate issues and only 2 absolutely nots on my HS.
They say you don't have to be a perfect parent and they don't care what ethnicity/race, religion, look, gay, straight, two parent, one parent bla bla bla.
But when it comes to matching, they do care. They specifically go for two parent straight families. IF they cannot find that, then they lower their sights.
I have been waiting over two months just to meet with a single female and her case worker. All me and my agency gets is the run around. Which is odd, since I think that worker of the child's contacted my agency. It's nuts.
I recently inquired about a set of girls to be told the worker isn't looking for a Caucasian household but I met and exceeded all other criteria and if they cannot find the other ethnicity that will take them, they will review my HS again.
Thanks? I understand this is for the children to find homes and not adults finding children. But I have this ethnicity in my immediate family and my HS reflects that. :confused:
I understand everyone's frustration in PA.
We've been waiting 2 1/2 years & we don't get any calls! I guess they don't NEED our family for a child!! I also believe they are looking for certain types of families. We are a Caucasian family, I am a stay at home mom(age 41 tho), BUT we have 3young bio children & I think that's why we don't get any matches!? Maybe I'm wrong but it seems to be the reason. We have plenty of love to share with another child but feel they don't pick us for that reason?! Well, maybe its not meant to be for us but will try one more year! Good luck to all you who are still waiting & to all you lucky ones who have found your little blessings from above...