We've adopted three times: two infants (five and seven months) and one 4yr old. I've never cared all that much for the young baby stuff and started out wanting to adopt a preschooler or toddler. That is when we adopted our seven month old (DH wanted a baby and I settled for a baby rather than the toddler I wanted). The first few months were hard but developed a very close bond between us and I love her more than anything today (she's six now). Two years later I got my desire: an older child (three at the time we started) and a boy. It has been a disaster-- after four years there is still ZERO attachment. When we decided we wanted #3, I RAN back to the baby option-- not cause I really wanted to do the little baby thing any more than I ever did, but because the longer wait for one and the time put in with a baby is worth it for the relationship (for me anyway). Today that baby is 16 months (an age I really like alot more than little baby) and I consider every bit of "baby" time to have been worth it for what we have together now.
Others, however, have much different older child experiences than have I. That said, I really don't think nine months is all that long of a wait for a healthy newborn and if you haven't lost the urge for a baby yet you probably need to follow your heart and hold out. The last thing you want to do is settle and then later regret not having held out a little longer.