:thanks: to all of you who replied,
It was interesting that each of you brought up different points which I had already been mulling over.
After really thinking about it I realized that some of that fun baby stuff I was dreaming about was superficial. I have many relatives this age and you know what this really is a more fun, rewarding age than infancy. Naturally we would miss some of the firsts and that would be disappointing. Before I knew we were infertile I would not have anticipated a time when I would OK with the fact we would never experience pregnancy or bio kids but I am there now. I get wistfull and little jealous over other's pregnancies and newborns but I'm OK with it. If we adopt this toddler I am sure I will feel the same way when I hear about or see some of the milestones I missed. BTW I keep saying I because while my husband really wants to adopt he dosen't seem to care about that baby stuff. When we look at the older kids's profiles on the waiting child list he gets a tear in his eye has to stopping reading, and this a guy who doesn't show a lot of emotion.
My husband and I haven't had a perfect life, who has, but we have lived our life with out regrets because we have manged to make the best decisions with the information we had at the time.We know if we pass up this opportunity and another does not come along we will regret it.