In case people don't know about this great resource, I thought I'd share. They connect people with breastmilk to donate with people in need of breastmilk. For those who are unable or don't want to induce lactation (or don't produce a full supply) but still want to provide breastmilk it's a great resource. They're on facebook. I found a donor in less than a week and it looks like I will have a full supply for my little guy!
Wow! That's a great resource. I wonder how/if they screen for alcohol/nicotine/caffeine in the milk. A friend of mine adopted recently and she was able to get breast milk donations from other nursing mommies that she knew. Pretty cool!
They don't do any screenings - what they do is connect people and you make your own arrangements.
There are several organizations that match up moms who are willing to donate milk with moms and babies who need it. One is called Milkshare. It is one of those things where you have to follow your heart. The vast majority of women who are willing to go the extra effort of expressing milk and doing what needs to be done to get it to the baby who needs it are not just trustworthy, but exceptional people, but it is still good to be cautious. There are also women who sell their milk, for as much as $3 an ounce. When a financial incentive enters the picture, so does motivation for misrepresentation. Even adding a few ounces of water, or something else, to the milk could add up fast.
Not that I don't think the women who are on the level deserve something in return. I had at least a little bit of donated milk, from women I knew, with each of my kids. I didn't pay them for it, but I did do things like give them gifts, take cookies for their kids, take a meal in once in a while, etc.. It was never a large amount of milk, usually about four ounces a day but, with my milk, that put them up to about half of their diet being breast milk.
Ruth, congratulations on your son! I am also happy to hear that breastfeeding is going so well for you!