Well, i think im going to be done with the Domperidone and see where my supply goes. Ive been weaning myself off of the Dom and im down to 50mg/day with out much change in milk production so far. So i think im going to go down to 30mg/day this week and then progressively go down 10/mg week until im off. And if i pretty much have nothing left, then i guess im OK with that. He hasnt nursed (not even for comfort) in at least 2 months and i stopped feeding w the lactaid 3 months ago. Hes now about 6 1/2 months old and ive been consistantly producing about 5oz/day give or take an ounce. It was something, im happy i did it. i wished i wouldve made the decision to do it ALOT earlier than i did. We waited a year and a half for a match and at 2 years he came home, so in hindsight if i wouldve thought of it earlier i couldve done the full protocol instead of just one month of BC and then started to pump 5 days before he was born. Maybe next time!!!
It was such a wonderful thing to beable to nurse him. I wouldnt change it for the world. My favorite part was the late night feeding, sitting in my lazy boy with a pillow proped under my arm, him half asleep, me half asleep, and he just looks so content at my breast. then he falls asleep but everytime i try and pull him off, he quick takes a few sucks and then wants to stay on. I have some great memories of him and our bonding time while nursing.
Overall it was a great experience, i would recommend it to anyone, but the pumping 6x/day in addition to feeding the baby, keeping up with everything else is getting old really quick!! Esp with summer now, i love to garden, be outside for hours at a time, i work longer hours, i just dont see how i can keep up the pumping sufficiently to make it worth it. Thanks so much to everyone who supported me and i wish everyone the best of luck with their babies and nursing. God Bless, Rach
Good luck to you, too, Rach! If you adopt again, I wonder if it would work out better for you to nurse on demand with the Lact-Aid and not try to pump, too. It requires so much time just to nurse on demand that adding pumping to that is just too much for many, if not most, moms, especially those who have other kids, too, like you do. I couldn't have done both. Pumping is less gratifying than nursing, for both mom and baby.Best wishes!