I keep reading online that if FP are in the 6 month window to adopt a FC then they can not take new placements. I had never heard that before.
Our FS was placed as preadoptive as a preemie newborn. Since he would be our first adopted FC (ninth placement) and my first forever child, we chose to take a break from placements for a season. We should TPR next month so we are definitely in 6 month window.
I have done home childcare for 12 years and have done both childcare/fostercare for last 2 years. I keep my numbers under 5 total so the new law doesn't effect me.
Well, my DH and I have been discussing a change. One of the 2 LO that I provide childcare for is going to K and I think it would be a good time to switch to FC only. The home childcare really makes it hard to juggle FC with visits and stuff. I feel like I am still waiting to do FC the way I want because it is hard to give up the steady childcare income and I have had these 2 LOs since 12 weeks so I really love them.
Anyway, we want to start taking placements at the end of Aug after a family vacation and give childcare parent notice to find alternate care by end of October.
But if I can't take placements until adoption is finalized then there is no reason to uproot the 2 year old LO I watch. She is MAJORLY attached to me, never watched a LO so attached and I have had at least 50 kids over the years. I actually thought I would keep her until K and her be my last childcare kid but parents are driving me nuts .... HIGH NEVER ENDING DRAMA. And although they say they are OK with me fostering too. But they refer to FK bparents majorly derogatively and I don't tell them anything. Just stereotypical stuff and if I say its not the situation, its shrugged off. I've worked with the parents for almost 5 years but the last 2 have been rough.
Anyway, our FS adoption won't finalize until Jan/Feb, I expect long CEU process. But if I can't take placements then I want to be prepared for that. I have discussed it with CW and she never said anything about it effecting our adoption or that we can't. We have plenty of space.
Does anyone know? Or where I can find out? Thanks, sorry about me OT vent!
That's good to know. I wondered the same thing because we had been told in pre-service training that any life-changing event (i.e. birth, adoption, divorce, death, marriage) would stop any new placements from being given to you for a year. I wondered if DCS would hold us to that, since nothing will really change once we officially adopt our little guy. I mean, he's been with us since he was a newborn. Adopting him won't change our family dynamics.
I think for the most part, they only use that policy if you have a new adoptive placement , not a foster child that you are adopting.> Does that make sense? lol!
I hadn't heard about it either. When they placed our current FS with us a preadopt they recommended us not taking placements for a littlie while but to call when ready.
I was initially going to take placements starting beginning of this summer but decided to wait until fall. I had talked to CW lots about this and my homefinder and no one said anything.