Dedicated to WIthay! What is the worst home improvement project you have lived through?
When my parents added on to the back of the house. We had NO kitchen for a YEAR. Washed dishes in the bathtub and everything was cooked in the micro or a crock pot. Ugh!Also, where the new room would be, we were separated from the outdoors by a plywood wall. Joy. For A YEAR. During the winter (even in SoCal) we had to wear sweats, gloves, hats, etc. Christmas was particularly memorable that year.....
Well would we like to start with the new bathroom floor? All the pipes in the house replaced? New furnace? All in the space of a week in January after I had broken my lease to move into the place I am in now. Doesn't seem bad, I realize, it was awful though, I spent plenty of time bawling my eyes out.
We had the bathroom completely remodelled in January, again only a few days but we only have one bathroom and had to have our water off for a few days so we stayed out of town. 2 cats and 2 dogs in a hotel room, not so much fun.
So in the big picture, not too bad, but bad enough for us.