B...Bitter about what I know
I...Imagining that I get to know you someday
R...Ready to learn the truth at all cost
T...Tired of all the lies I've been told
H...Hoping for answers
D...Doubtful of really knowing all I need to know
A...Alone in my own thoughts
Y...Yelling for help behind my fake smile
Happy Unbirthday to me...I hope I get the answers before it's to late
I'm sorry you're feeling hurt right now. It must really suck to find out that you're adopted by reading some baby card on your 18th birthday. I imagine that it's made your subsequent birthdays a bit difficult to handle.
I just want to wish you a very Happy Birthday, even if you don't feel like celebrating too much. And I hope you keep coming back and posting. There are other adoptees here who didn't find out they were adopted until well into adulthood. Maybe a couple of them will chime in with their own thoughts and feelings of what you're going through right now. :cake: