This one has me spitting mad and devastated all at the same time. About a year ago I overheard my dd telling her little sister (2 yrs old at the time) "Mommy is dead." No emotion behind it, just said it. My 2 yr old started crying, I comforted her, then took my then 6 yr old dd into her room to talk. She was stone cold for the first few minutes, refused to talk, then cried. It concerned me, but I thought she was probably just processing where her bmom disappeared to and maybe she thinks her bmom is dead, etc.
So here we are over a year later and she is saying it again. They were playing on the back porch, my 3 yr old called for me and I heard my 7 yr old say "Mommy died." She is saying it directly to my 3 yr old who responds "no she didn't."
Should I be scared? Does she want me to die? :eek: OR Is she just expressing a deep down kind of fear? Like, I am afraid of losing another mommy. That just occured to me while I was typing. Another reason I post her on this forum. It brings clarity sometimes!
Regardless of why she is saying it, it does make me mad that she is scaring the crap of my baby girl. I also get frustrated that she refuses to talk to me about it.
Any thoughts??
Does she know of someone else who died recently?
My FS will act out dramatic death scenes with her dolls, and it looks really disturbing to people who don't know her story. Reality is that she saw her dad after he died of an overdose, and it is her way of processing.
My 5 and 3 year old had mom abandon them, and they talk all the time about how she died.
I wonder if your daughter is sensing that you are mad, and that's why she is refusing to talk to you about it. Have you tried approaching the subject when the moment is not tense?
It sounds pretty normal to me, like she is dealing with abandonment issues (it's so much easier to believe someone died, than accept that they chose not to parent you) and I'm sure she doesn't realize the full effect on your younger daughter.