I was adopted 24 years ago when I was only three days old. For as long as I can remeber I've known I was adopted. I was told I was adopted because my Bmother died with complications while giving birth. I have always believed this and never thought anything of it. I know things like that do happen, but not sure how often.
My husband and I are talking about having kids in the future. But the one thing that has always bothered me is that I don't know my medical history. My adaoptive parents would always put there history on doctor's papers, why I don't know. I am really wanting to get my medical history and my husband supports it, due to the fact of how my bmom die. I inquired a company to help me and got absolutly no where, and treated me like I was stupid for wanting this information and told me my adoptive parents probably lied to me about my bmom being dead.
I am just wondering if anyone else has looked for their medical history or knows the route I need to take to obtain my medical history. I thank you in advance for your help!! I truely means a lot to me and my husband!!
I'm really bothered by what the lady at the company told me cause I never thought about finding out who my bparents are, until now and not sure what I want to do.
(ps I live in Indiana if that helps)
Hey! I'm a Hoosier adoptee. Check with Vital Statistics. If it's true your bmom is dead, then you can get access to everything. (It is possible, but not likely that the agency told your parents a story about your bmom. I don't want to get your hopes up) Mary Hinds was the woman in charge a few years ago when I went through this. You can check their website and download the forms and send them in. You should get her full name, and can go from there.
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