Hello all -
Trying to compile a list a of questions to ask 2 different agencies when I meet with them in person. I am so worried I may leave something off that may be important. Please assist me in anything you think is a good question to ask. Thanks!
Hi there, I just wanted to let you know what questions I had for an agency. BTW we are still waiting for a match but it took a while to get all of the facts together regarding which agency to use---they all sound so wonderful and helpful in the beginning :)
My questions where
1. how many placements do you do per year?
2 do you limit the number of available adoptive parents you represent , if so, whats the number?
3. do you provide counseling for the bm, during and after the birth?
4. if someone calls your agency at 4am (maybe a frightened bm) who answers the phone? Is there a recording or a actual person there?
5. If we have a failed you roll the money over into another situation-excluding bm expenses
6. the agency I am with is quite popular in that majority of the fees are due at placement..
If I think of any more , I will certainly put them on here but those were just off the top of my head!
good luck!