Our 13 year old AS is heading to an rtc( just waiting for insurance to approve it). We are trying to find one but are confused because this is all new to us. Are they all basically the same- this is what the case manager that is helping us said? Do they all offer rewards such as minor league baseball games and boy scouts? When my husband talked on the phone with someone from one of them he wanted to know if he could live there it sounded so good with all the extra stuff. If that is what they are all like our son will never work on getting home he will like it so much. His packet has been sent to ten places and at least 3 have accepted him. Unfortunately most are 5 or more hours away. The hospital he has been in since Aug.1st is two hours away and we struggle with getting there with my husbands work schedule so we will probably chose between the two that are an hour away. We just arent sure what we are looking for.
My 9 year old is currently in her 3rd stay at a behavioral health center--which she LOVES going to. She gets to stay up later than at home, watches movies all day and no one is correcting her grammar or insisting she completes her 20 minutes of reading/day.
The psychiatrist told her on Friday at her appointment that she is headed towards residential----if it's anything like the hospitals, she'd love it.
It's pathetic really. How are these kids supposed to learn how to behave in their families when the hospitals are such easy places to live. She spent 18 days the first time, 16 the next and who knows how long this time, and never gave anyone even so much as an eye roll-but here's she's literally assaulting us.
I don't get it. Minor league baseball games?? That's crazy. If your sons issues are behavioral like my fd's are, they should not be getting ANY extras-she's hitting us for crying out loud and then gets to watch movies for 10+hours/day!!