Hoping to start the adoption process in the next 18 months but there seems to be quite a few countries with the minimum age requirement of 25.
Does anyone know of any countries in Africa that has no minimum age requirements?:confused:
Are you single or married?
If you are single, remember that U.S. immigration law allows singles to bring a child from any country to the U.S. on an adoption visa, ONLY if they are 25 or over. Married couples do not have this restriction.
In many of the countries from which Americans adopt, people do not understand that adoption is NOT just a "last resort" for people who cannot conceive biologically. Since there is often a cultural bias against raising children who are "not of one's blood", they simply can't picture a couple choosing to adopt when they could become pregnant.
As a result, they want couples to be very sure that they cannot conceive before they adopt, and that usually means several years after marriage. Their feeling is that couples who adopt early, and then conceive a child, would be at risk of neglecting or abandoning the first child once they have one who is biologically theirs.
With singles, they tend to think that a woman would adopt a baby only if she felt that her marriage prospects were nil. They are generally reluctant to place with young singles, because they feel that a woman is better off married, and that adopting a baby could scare off potential marriage partners because men in their country don't want to raise and support a child who is not theirs biologically.
Sorry, I should have pointed out that i'm British. Also, we will be married by the time we start the process :)