I was born premature at 2lbs, 7oz, February 15, 1975 in Fayetteville, NC. I either was born or transferred to Duke Hospital where I stayed for 2 or 3 months on ventilators etc etc.
I believe my name was Lisa Lewis at the time based on hand written documents given by my foster family and a doctor slip (without doctor name or info on it) with the name Lisa on it.
I have not sent out for my non-id info yet, (I do have the non id info provided to my adoptive parents) but have sent out to Raleigh to confirm that I was adopted through Social Services of Cumberland County.
I know my original birth certificate is sealed, but I was wondering what information I can request with my non-id information. I was wondering if I can request information about my foster family (who I was told wanted to adopt me) and if they will provide me with copies of my medical records for that time I was in the hospital.
Being in the hospital for that long after birth is kind of a significant experience for someone in their life (even if they dont remember it) and I think is something that should be included in your lifetime medical records.
I know Duke keeps records indefinitely, but I have no way to request them directly unless I can get them from social services because of HEPA laws.
I was also wondering, would my mother have been told if I lived or not? I believe I was taken from my mother and sent to Duke for emergency care and from there I went to a foster family for a few months before being placed in my permanent home.
I still need to find someone to search birth records to see if by some miracle they are still on file, but I want to figure out what I want to say in my letter to request my info from social services so that I can get the most information I can, while I wait.
Any help would be appreciated, and I apologize if this is not the right spot for this post.
IwagrlVA, thank you for the reply. From what I understand, unless I have an open birth certificate or an order of adoption showing that I am that person (since my name was changed at adoption) I cannot request the information, because I cannot prove that I am who I say I am. Also, I don't know for sure what my name was at birth.
if it is a closed adoption, which majority of states have, you won't be able to get your medical information.
Do you know what social service agency you were adopted through?
I was adopted through catholic charities in florida and they will do a search for me to find my birth mother. If they find her, they still need to get consent to contact to release any info to me. I just started this process myself. They are sending all my non-ID info to me. I have some, but apparently they have more than i do.
Good luck!