Looking for birth family information. I think that my birth family might have been linving in the Southern California area (maybe Los Angeles County) between 1970 - 1976. There maybe someone with blond and / or red air in their family and also someone (mainly the male family members) with an physical birth defect. Possible diabetes with in the family and heart problems. I had blond air at the time of my adoption and had (still do) have several scares from before I was adopted. I think I was adopted at age 2, or age 3, or age 4. I am male white. Had a speech impairment when I was in elementary school so someone in the birth family might have / had this too. My adopted family was living in this same area at the time of my adoption and had several older boys and older girl. I have additional possible helpful information, but holding back to use it as verification needs if someone thinks they know my birth family.