My name is MELANIE BERNAL from Manila Philippines and I have worked as a HealrhCare giver for the past 3 years. Through the years that i have worked, I have learned how special my Niece Sheangel Vasquez,she's an Autistic Special Girl who loves to play Music and it keep my Heart Breaking knowing that i cannot provide the Special Healthcare she needed for my Salary is not enough to support my nice niether her parent too.
Rosalie Vasquez (Angels Mom) she is a woderful Fulltime mom to a 3kid and she is an excellent teacher to her wonderful children. She always put an extra mile for her little ones. Roberto Vasquez a a Promodizer in a Supermall is also a Good Man to support his Family but reality breaks their Heart knowing that Special Education needed for their Special little angel is out of the budget they have.
Rosalie and her husband, Roberto, have been married for forteen years. I witness the Love they have for each member of the Family,I have been there as they have hoped and prayed for their dreams to come true. a Dream that somehow they will provide the things a Special Kid requires.Sallie is my Favorite Cousin, why for she is the one who took care of us with my siblings when we were still a toddler she witness everyday of our life,and now that she is in this kind of situation i really wanted to help her even in a very small things.
I will be praying for their dreams to come true.please help me how to help my loving Cousin.
Should you have any questions regarding Rosalie and Roberto Vasquez, please feel free to call me any time. My phone number is as follows: +639235573113