I'm new to the forums, and this is the first place I'm posting.
Our Road To Adoption:
* Began dating in 2003
* Engaged in 2004
* Married in 2007
* Began TTC in 2008
* Began Adoption Process in 2009
Adoption Process:
* Approved and Waiting in 2010
* Failed Match in April 2011
We are currently matched with a second Birth Mother. As a result of our Failed Match in April, we are very guarded and are not allowing ourselves to get excited or make any preparations for this baby (due in 3 weeks). After our first match we told everyone and got very excited and optimistic that it would work out, but she changed her mind once we arrived at the hospital. Nothing hurt worse that hearing she had decided to parent, but to make things harder we had to tell all of our family and friends. This time we have not told anyone except for some of our immediate family.
We know that God has great plans for our lives, but we had convinced ourselves that perhaps God's great plans did not include children for us. Now we're thrown back into the ring, and desperately wanting to make it out without being hurt again. We're seeing our Birth Mother next week, and I just ask that everyone pray that we can tear down our walls around our hearts when we see her. I don't want our fear and caution to come across as not wanting this match to succeed, we would love it if it did. Instead of our emotions, please pray His love is what she sees, takes away, and carries with her after this meeting.
We sincerely appreciate your prayers.
Prayers sent, how nerve racking, hopefully all goes well this time and you can enjoy getting to know the expectant mom.
I just saw your post and it brought back a ton of memories. I am anxious to hear how the meeting went. We did not go thru an agency, but still had a failed match in July 2010. In August, after much prayer with no answers, we took it upon ourselves to sell a business to finance adoption and select an agency. After talking with the agency and being mailed paperwork, we set out on our journey. One morning, before we wrote the check of signed anything, my hubby woke up and said, "this is not God's plan. He didn't lead us here" I was heartbroken. All of the promises of a baby by Christmas, etc. But I trusted and looked to my Lord and to my Husband. We gave it back to God. (keep in mind I was 39 and he was 46 at the time. (tick tock tick tock!)
6 short weeks later we got a call from a mutual friend of a friend who knew we wanted to adopt. She put us in touch with a young couple that wanted to place their baby. Long story short - we prayed and got our answer. 4 weeks after the initial phone call, I was in the delivery room welcoming our son into this world. He is a gift from God. I feel like if I had ignored God and gone with the agency, I would have missed the greatest blessing of my life. Sure, I might have been matched with another baby, and I would have been happy, but my son is amazing and totally worth the wait. He was chosen for us and as crazy as it seems, I almost feel that he was ours since conception.
I tell you my story because I want to remind you not to give up on God. So many times we give God our problems or prayers and then 15 minutes later, we take them back saying, "I've got this, God. I know a better way." My Zander is 15 months old and I LOVE being an "old mom" as my friends call me! I'm more patient, happier and appreciate him even more. God also reminded me of His love for me. It was hard. But the rewards so outweigh the pain. I will be prying for you and your family. Please keep me posted!!!
Baby was born the last week of December, but we are unable to take placement until the end of January. As we wait out the registry we are plaqued with a whole new set of fears. Our CW tells us that BM's CW is always saying how confident and unwavering BM is, so I guess that's good news. I just wish baby was with us already. We've picked out a baby name, but I can't bring myself to call her by it. :-/ Thanks for the prayers. We'd really appreciate them to continue. I don't even know how to pray for this. Thankful that the Holy Spirit intercedes when we can't find the words.
I have never posted on (or even visited) one of these forums before, but my husband and I have just returned from one of the most painful experiences of our lives. Like TxSW07, we previously had a failed adoption when the birthmom changed her mind after delivery (June 2011) and when we were rematched in October we were VERY wary of becoming attached and getting too hopeful, etc. but as you know, it's hard to NOT be excited. It's a baby! A chance for a dream to come true...the best dream. Anyway, we flew to Amarillo 2 days ago to be part of a scheduled C-section. We were so excited and grateful that she wanted me to be in the room with her!
When we arrived at the hospital, we were told there were no C-sections planned that day, and after several hours and many attorney phone calls, it was determined that she had delivered 5 days ago, denied knowledge of the adoption plan, discharged herself the day before we arrived, and never stopped us from flying to TX with hopes, dreams and suitcases full of baby needs. Why? Why be so cruel about it? The very least you could do is alert someone...anyone (the case manager, TX attorney, SC attorney, etc) that you changed your mind. Financially, we are ruined, but the extra travel expenses (almost 2000$) and the anxiety and pain at the hospital added insult to serious injury.
Right now, I am having a very hard time believing in anything let alone thinking about trusting another birthmother.
But how can I not? I have to play this, their game, or no baby. It's all or nothing. We have no real rights and there is no recourse in a bad outcome.
I see no other options.
All I know is that I hope and pray this process has not been as devastating and soul-crushing for others as it has been for us. It is actually changing my world view...are there any good people left out there? Hello?
Mac613, my heart hurts for you! A failed match is devastating, but it sounds like the events of the past few days have been nothing short of tragic. I feel compelled to tell you that after a failed match our agency does not require any additional adoption fees and you go right back on the waiting list. While emotionally devastated, financially we were able to get right back in place in line at our agency. I will lift you up in prayer today. I hope you find some moments of peace when the darkness feels overwhelming.
So far this match is still moving right along. Placement should occur in a couple of weeks. BMom doesn't seem to be wavering in her resolve. Starting let ourselves get a little excited and a little more hopeful. Thanks for your continued prayers. I want this match to be "the one"!