Hi! I am an adoptive mom in a very open adoption. My daughter's birthmom hasn't decided yet what to do with her future (I didn't know either at 19!) but I think she has counted college out for financial reasons. Do y'all know of any college assistance or scholarships she could qualify for being a birthmom? Of course I have talked to her about normal routes (like Pell Grants) but is there anything else out there that she could utilize? I just hate that she thinks it isn't an option just because she thinks she doesn't have the money. Any leads would be appreciated.
The only college scholarships I'm aware of strictly for birth mothers are offered through the major adoption agencies. Many of their websites go on and on about the scholarship assistance.
Concerned United Birthparents (CUB) offers college scholarships, but I *think* they're limited to women and girls who decide to raise their babies and need some help to further their education. You might want to check with CUB's website just to be sure, though.