We want to adopt domestically, but I'm wondering if we will be eligible based on our income?
I am a stay-at-home mom and my husband brings home 37k. We rent our home $650/m and we own our cars. We have no other debt. We don't use credit cards. Our monthly income is about $3k. Our outgoing is about $1250 (rent, utilities, and insurance). Another $1200 for gas and food per month, which leaves us with about $600 in the positive that is not allocated to anywhere. We have 5 children (4 boys and a girl) and live in a 4 bedroom home. We also are to recieve $350/m in child support for my oldest son. We don't count it as income because although legally we are to receive this amont every month, he rarely pays and is about $20k behind in his payments.
So, my question is, based on our finances will the home study approve us to adopt?
Do they look at each individuel situation or is it a certain number they are looking for?
[QUOTE=ermiller]Generally they look at financial stability and not a set income level. The biggest thing would be how you would come up with the fees to adopt, unless you are planning to do foster-to-adopt, which has minimal fees :)
Some agencies also charge fees on a sliding scale depending on income. [QUOTE]
Where can I find one of these agencies? link?
Thank you so much for responding! This is such joyous news to my ears and heart! I definitely believe that they would see that we are financially stable by looking at our budget and savings. As for coming up with the money to adopt, we have almost $6k saved up that will go towards it. Our church has a program that pays for half of the total cost to adopt and they have given us their blessing on doing it and we would do fundraisers to cover the rest if need be. We've looked into fostercare/adoption, but were turned down because we already have 5 children in the home. Their max is 5 children in the home (birth/foster/adopt) in NC.
What is a ball park cost to adopt domestically? I was thinking $10k-$20k?
Also, what about insurance? My children currently have Medicaid heath insurance because my husband was in school. He just graduated and started his new job, but we haven't decided what to do with health insurance yet. Is it not acceptable to have medicaid as insurance if you want to adopt?
We are in Michigan and all three of the agencies we looked at (including the one we are with) charge less than $15,000 for total fees. So it can be done. Granted, all three are smaller agencies and do fewer placements per year so we have had a longer wait, but we felt they were more ethical and we could afford them.I don't know about the health insurance issue. That may be an agency to agency thing.As for finding an agency that does a sliding scale for fees, you would have to call around to the various adoption agencies in your area. Good luck!
We spoke to a Christian agency this morning that had been reccomended to us and after a series of eligibility questions they said they would approve us...We are eligible!! So, they are sending us a packet of info to start fillling out and moving forward. I'm still waiting for a phone call back from the lady who handles out of state adoptions because this agency is in GA and we are in NC, but had a very positive conversation with the agency this morning and am so excited to just take the first step!
As part of our adoption homestudy in GA we had to get the insurance company to fill out an affadavit of insurance coverage for any child that would be placed in our home (proof of coverage). I don't know if that helps you at all, but I would think that a child going on Medicaid may be an issue. I'm glad you found an agency to help you. Good luck.