Hubbs and I have been certified foster parents with an adoption home study completed since mide December. From everything we read, we believed they couldnt get people certified fast enough to get the placements in!
We have only recieved ONE call in two months, and we couldnt even do it as the two girls wouldnt work with our bedrooms/current kids! our profile is 8 or under, girl or girl and boy as thats what fits with our family and home.
I spend hours on the computer searching out available children and have submitted 8-10 inquiries on out of state kids. Nothing.
We are open to just fostering but are wanting to be part of a concurrent plan/adoption.
It is really really hard to wait and feel like absolutely nothing at all is going on!
ANyone else experience this/
I'm in SoCal...we were licensed last June and got two calls soon after that we were open to, but the children went elsewhere. We finally got a placement in September, and the kids were with us through December. We have had two matches since then that we were chosen for, but the bedroom situation between the placements and our own family were less than ideal and would require a move, which we thought would be too hard on the kids who have already been bounced around so we passed. The point of my long ramble is some people have no wait, others have a long one. For every story of someone not having a placement for eight months, there is one that got a call two hours after being licensed. Waiting is definitely the hardest part. I tend to think that in a flat-adopt situation, things just work out the way they are supposed to in the end. Not to say there are no ups and down, believe me its emotional no matter what. Just hang in there!!!!
We are in SJ County and have had one placement in two years. That said, our case has been a comedy of errors, on the county's side of things. Mind you, I think we just have sheer bad luck. I know another family through our county who were placed immediately, while we are STILL waiting. Our parameters are not very narrow.
I hope you are one of the lucky ones. Let us know.
It depends. When I'm open for respite care I get calls all the time, and can have kids here every weekend. For my permanent kids I've usually had six months to a year between placements.
Ooh, the phone has been ringing!
I have suddenly, gotten three calls in the last two weeks. Fingers crossed that the concurrent placement they offered me goes through.
I spent the morning sorting baby clothes for the size I will need. Roll on Monday!
Well, it happened. Just before I was going to switch agencies, I got the call. I am now foster mom to a baby boy 1 month old tomorrow. :paci: :clap:
I received him when he was only 2 weeks old. He has visits with his parents once a week. I will know by the end of March for reunify with parents.
This was just weird. But, I am so grateful I did not have to switch agencies yet.:prop:
So, when you are down and desperate, it will happen. Do not give up, even if it takes one year to 3 years, don't give up on your dreams. It will happen.
Thanks so much ....Im so happy for you! It helps to hear from others who experience the long wait and saw their dream come true
I have been waiting over a year with not so much as a phone call. I spoke with my placement worker just last week and she said that because of budget cuts, my county just isn't taking the kids into care the way they used to. She said that except in the worse cases, they are leaving the kids in the homes and offering minimal in-home services and then just hoping for the best, and that when they do take them into care, they are pushing to RU very quickly. I only accept pre-adoptive and concurrent planning, so things may be better if you're willing to do straight foster care or respite. I'm at the point where I'm looking at other options to become a mommy.
Thats about the scariest response so far...the children are left suffering due to budget cuts. wow. I dont know if this is what is affecting our agency as well, but we are open to foster as well and still nothing in three months.
We brought our concurrent placement home yesterday. She is an easy, happy baby. Two years and three months was the wait for us.
I concur with Jackie N about why things are slow in our county too. The baby we have went through horrific circumstances to be brought into care.
Just be stubborn and hang in there!