Today my daughter and I went to an African braiding salon. I have been doing hair myself, learning primarily through watching youtube videos and reading braiding books. I think I do a pretty good job, but I've been looking for a salon to take H to every once in a while to give me a break and to allow her an opportunity to interact with the AA culture. Unfortunately we live in a smaller town and have absolutely no salons in our area that have any idea what to do with H's hair. H's God parents also have adopted AA children. They faced the same limited resources for their daughter so they just drove into the nearest large city in the inner city, (over an hour away) and went door to door at little African braiding shops until someone agreed to braid their daughter's hair. They have been going a couple of times each year. They say that when they go back to the salon they visited 6 months ago, it's often no longer there, so they end up driving around and stopping in random shops until someone can fit them in. Today we went with them. The experience was great! H is adorable. I've recorded our entire experience with pictures on our blog. The link is at the bottom if you're curious. This is one way of finding a resource that I had not thought of. I sometimes try to look for resources on line, or in the phone book. But I'm learning that the best ways to learn about resources in the AA culture is by word of mouth or by going to the inner city and driving around until I find what I'm looking for.
Most resources are found by word of mouth. We had been using an African braiding salon for my DD's hair but switched when a friend told me of a place where the braiders where AA instead of African and it was 5 minutes from my house. There really isn't a language barrier with the African salons but rather them chosing to not speak in English when customers are there. Personally I am not used to salons where customers are left out of the conversation... including us in the discussion which is why I love our current salon. If I'm going to lose x number of years of my life in the salon I would like to build a relationship with the staff.
You'll have to decide whether you are looking for African culture versus AA culture in beauty salons because there is a difference.