Hello all,
Hoping someone can shed some light on this. Whenever a child is removed @ what point should the fact finding hearing happen? Is there a standard time frame etc? I am starting to believe no one (including DYFS) follows any timeline ASFA or otherwise & just strings us FP's along-especially the longer you have a child & the more you become invested & FALL TOTALLY in LOVE-the more CRAP we'll put up with. I am convinced the "system" in no way shape or form is out for the best interest of the child(ren)...:hissy:
fact findings are supposed to occur within 4 months after removal/filing of the court case. . . . that being said, some counties are VERY strict in adhering to that (Middlesex, for example). . Others, the complete opposite, and it is not unheard of for fact-findings to be done a year or more later (Somerset, for example). . . The fact finding timeline is not within ASFA. In fact, there really isnt a timeline for it even within NJ Statute. The only identifiable source for it is from the Administrative Office of the Courts in their "best practice" guidelines. . . Courts/Judges are tracked for how many cases they have that are out of compliance with the goal. . . Numbers/statistics seem to be more important than what really should be the driving force behind these cases. Sad but true.