President Obama's Proposed FY2013 Budget Includes Extension of the Adoption Tax Credit
Under current law, the adoption tax credit is not refundable in 2012 or beyond and, beginning in 2013, would apply only to people who incur qualified adoption expenses in the process of adopting a child with special needs.
However, President Obama's fiscal year 2013 budget proposal would make the tax credit permanent for all adoption types, and maintain the maximum credit regardless of expenses for families who adopt children with special needs. In addition, the budget proposes making the credit refundable for both 2012 and 2013.
Congress has not yet introduced legislation that would extend refundability of the credit, but NACAC is working to enlist members of Congress to sponsor such a bill and will alert our network as soon as there is legislation to lobby for.
Oh that is awesome. I hope it passes. I am freaking out just a little bit. I just found out about the credit expiring for 2013 and I don't know how we will fund our adoption without it. *crossing fingers*
I am wondering when we will hear if this bill is passed or not? Does anyone have a timeline for when to expect information?
Just a little nervous and anxious.
Thanks everyone!