i am an adoptee in search of my two younger brothers. we were all adopted in 1986 through the court system in easton pa. i have absolutely no idea where or how to begin my search. i have tried every social media outlet and struck out on every level. deeply frustrated.
any help would be so greatly appreciated!:love:
I would contact the agency in which everything was finalized. I just Had berks county Children and youth services find my birthmother and they did so and have so many more resources to do that with. Also when you deal with the state of PA. Sometimes spending that money can get you much further. I spent $150 and to me it was worth way more.
Xem, in 2010 PA opened its adoption records which allowed adoptees to see what was in their file.My suggestion is to contact the Orphans Court where your adoption records were finalized. The Clerk of the Court will tell you how to access the info that is in the files. They will not give you legal advice.It may be possible to get the info on the name of your b-parents. Then you can go to ISRR and ask for a name search. ISRR is free. If you wish to make a contribution you can.I wish you the best.