My DH and I are waiting to hear if we or another family are chosen for a sibling group of two, ages 2 and 4 years old. The four year old has "behavior problems" that sound like attachment problems. I'd love some advice!
We've fostered small children with attachment problems before: no cause and effect, no eye contact, inducing vomiting over and over and over.
I don't want to post too many details since the match hasn't happened yet, but I'm wondering if the 4-year old's behaviors that sound challenging on paper are actually REALLY difficult to handle in real life.
I've already found a local therapist that specializes in attachment disorders. My husband and I are committed to doing "time-ins" with them and setting up boundaries with the other adults in our lives so that we are the primary ones the children bond with. Any other advice?
I really want these kids but feel a little nervous over the potentially difficult days to come.
Attach both children to you. Get a great therapist who specializes in attachment issues. Develop a great support system.
My youngest child had the worse case of RAD of all our kids who had RAD. She was almost three when placed with us. We wasted two years with a nonexperienced threrapist. With the right parenting and the right therapist, she was on her way to be healed by the time she was 6. She is a well attached teenager now. There IS hope for kids to heal!
It sounds like you would be great parents for these two, bc you don't have other kids and can devote all your time and attention to the. The very best of luck to you!
We're matched!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Ohmyword, I am so excited. Yeah! Now to see how long it will take to get visits started, etc. Thank you, lovemy6 and amy for your encouragement.
It's been a long wait.