Hi all!
We will be going into the system in a few days and to help this time go by more quickly I would love to hear of your experiences!
We will be taking 0-2...miss the babies so much!
We are in Hunterdon County. long was your wait after going into the system?
Any details of your experience, advice, and words of wisdom would be much appreciated! :thanks:
Hey there, I'm in Hunterdon County too! You can message me if you want!
After we were licensed we got called about our son six weeks later, infant in the hospital. We were incredulous that we got called so fast! Then we got his baby brother and then baby sister.
A friend in Hunterdon County only wanted a kid that was already free to adopt and waited a bit longer. She was getting frustrated with waiting so long and called and hounded someone to get her name out of the HC pool and down to Trenton (which mine went to first, I think, since our son came from Hudson County)
Now my understanding is that they are really trying to keep kids in county, even within the same towns when possible. Nevertheless a friend in Flemington has only been licensed a year and has had several placements already.
Please do message me if you want to talk more.