Hello I live in MD, I am adopting a baby from Russia. I am at the stage where I'll be filing my I-600A, does anyone know what exactly I need to send in?
also, I am a naturalized citizen so I know I need to send my naturalization certificate, do I just send in copies of everything? do the copies need to be apostilled?
Please help.
Apostilling is only for documents going to Russia -- namely, your dossier documents; it is a way of proving to a foreign government that the documents are legitimate. You do NOT need to apostille documents going to the USCIS, since that is a branch of the U.S. government.
You can download instructions for the I-600A from the USCIS website, at [url][/url]. Basically, my recollection is that you will need to submit the following documents with the application:
1. Homestudy report showing approval
2. Copy of your certificate of citizenship, if you were born abroad. Copy of your spouse's proof of citizenship. (You do NOT need to send originals of this or any of the documents below.)
3. Proof of marriage, if married.
4. Proof of any divorces either spouse has had.
5. The correct fees for the application and the biometrics.
No. But please consult the instructions to the I-600A, which can be downloaded from the USCIS website to be sure that I didn't leave out any documents.
I have, I have them printed out, I've been through them a few times. Just do not want to miss anything.
Thank you for your reply.