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I'm sure this is the upteenth post with the question in the title, and I'm not sure if I should be posting in a different forum, so pardon me if i'm in the wrong place.
My husband and I are older parents of a 3.5 year old (she arrived via gestational surrogacy after years of infertility). We are now, late in the game, thinking about the possibility of adoption. But given our ages (40s) it isn't practical or do-able for us to adopt a child if we have to wait much longer than a year, and we would only be interested in adopting a healthy newborn. I would love to give our daughter a sibling (and have a strong preference for having another girl) but am ready to accept being a one child family, too, if that's what's in the cards.
Can anyone give me a sense of the reality of the situation. We are open to any ethnicity, and from my preliminary research it seems as though registering with an agency in TX or Fl or CA might be a good avenue to try for adopting a Hispanic baby. We live in CT though.
Thanks so much for reading!