Hello all, I've really enjoyed browsing this forum and feel as if there are so many caring people here!
I'm located in Indiana and am just at the very beginning stages of fostering, ideally fostering to adopt... so of course I'm full of many mixed emotions, concerns and lots of hope.
I've felt this tug on my heart for a long time now, but wanted to wait until my own daughter was out of high school and that time has come!
I am a single parent, having raised my daughter from day one by myself (surrounded by lots of supportive family and friends.) I truly have a mother's heart and feel as if God wants me to do this! My daughter is also very supportive and wants to be involved.
My biggest concern is the financial end and being a working parent. I will be able to take some time off as needed for fostering, but my greatest concern becomes daycare if we have a little one not in school.
Also, I am considering going with a private agency vs the local county agency. I know this may limit my placements, but I feel good in knowing they do more training and are more choosey about their placements. Does anyone have any thoughts on this?
Anway, I have a bazillion questions and just wanted to stop in and maybe find some new friends/mentors especially in Indiana!
Unlike some, I'm absolutely in no hurry for this to happen. I want to make sure absolutely everything is in order, I am making the absolute right decision, and am ready for emotional rollar coaster I know we are stepping into.
Thanks for being out there and showing how much this all means to you, it's very humbling and gives me hope!
I'm from Indiana as well. I have been surprised how few children are open for adoption in the state. Also the photo listing is only updated on an "as needed" basis. So you can end up inquiring about a child already in the placement process.