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When it comes to something she knows little about, she rejects it offhand automatically. I've always been infertile (known since I've been old enough to know), so this has always been a fact.
I've not always wanted to be a mom, so I think it kind of caught her offguard. This is one of those things that slowly happened over time and it was a rational decision we made (my husband's always known the score on this one and we made a decision together about it, it wasn't a one day we woke up and said "Let's buy a kid!")
I think she's scared of what we'll get. With a biological kid, we know the genetics we're playing with and we know the possibilities. However, with adoption... We could be getting "anything" and I'm pretty sure she thinks we'll adopt a serial killer or some kid that'll grow up to kill cats with sticks or something.
So we've stopped talking about it. She's brought it up as in "when do you intend to" and we pretty much lied. I'm not telling her until I absolutely have to. It's not mean, it's survival. It'll be awhile, we're saving the money up and getting a game plan. I intend to tell her when we're almost through with the process, after we're far enough in she can't try to talk us out of it.