Hi! I'm new to the boards and new to adoption as well. I had only been doing research on agencies in our area when I came across independent adoptions. It sounds much more appealing but concerns me a little. I'm a little confused as to how you get the word out other than telling family and friends. We live in SC and we're interested in a domestic adoption. Where do I start to even get a home study? And do we need a lawyer and or facilitator? And what exactly does a facilitator do for you? We're open to any race and bi-racial and while we'd really like a baby girl we would love a boy just as much (we have 2 bio boys who are awesome)! I guess I'm mainly nervous that it would take longer than an agency adoption and that we could get scammed. Any advice is greatly appreciated!
You can get a home study by calling local agencies and asking if they do independent home studies. Most agencies provide home study services. Just be sure you call around because prices and timeframes can vary significantly.
As for how you get the word out...not exactly sure about that one...some people use websites, etc. Of course there is a definite chance you will be approached by need to be very careful in screening anyone who contacts you.
As for using a careful with that as it is illegal in many states. Some people use adoption 'consultants'...which is different because the consultants work with lots of different agencies/attorneys that they can put you in touch with, but they don't actually place children themselves like some facilitators do.
Best of luck to you whatever you decide!!!