Has any one finalized in Riverside county recently? How long did it take from signing adoption papers to the court date?
Any answers would be greatly apreceiated!
hi -
i finalized in riverside county in december -and we signed final papers in november and had a court day right before christmas. it was fabulous!
Hi! We sign Adoption papers this Thursday (Sept 13th) and we were told that we would be ready to finalize on Riverside's Adoption Party day on November 16th!! :-)
We finalized in Riverside on Sept 7. Our full schedule is in my signature line :)
Hi TeddiN- quick question. We adopted from San Bern five years ago. Now in Riverside are considering adoption again. I've noticed that many of the people on here have stories of the kids being RU with family. Is there a way to avoid the risk of that? Thanks!
in 2010 I signed papers in October and finalized on national adoption day on Nov. 20th.....
Riv co is pretty good about trying to put low risk placements in adoption homes. I adopted there.
I adopted as a single, now am married and we will try for a child biologically, but we are also toying with the idea of adopting through Riv. co later on as well but will be different since I'll be married. :D