I was wanting a friend of mine to temperary adopt my child while I seeked help for my depression. She had convinced me to waive my rights, saying that she could keep her longer while I get better and then I can get her back. I am stable now. I am past my appeal time altough the adoption is not finalized and has been in the process for almost a year.
Over time, the women has aloud my daughter to see me less and less. I got angry and told her I had a lawyer which I dont. Two weeks later, she says she has paperwork from her lawyer for me to sign that is a third party custody form. She says that I can have supervised visitation. I dont understand why. Ive never been a harm to a child in any way.
I dont know if I should sign the papers.
I dont have time to get a lawyer. I dont know if this is some attempt to distarct me from using my (pretend lawyer) Would I have enough rights over my daughter if I sign the papers to stop the adoption thats still in process? or will it start a whole other diffrent type of adoption that I wont stand a chance against? I dont understand law much and honestly she has already conned me into signning the adoption papers with false promises. I cant get a lawyer and shes gonna be here tomorrow but I have no clue what to do. If I dont sign then she could get mad and just keep me from my daughter 100%. But what if I sign and Shes not honest to me about what the paperwork means? I doubt the court would believe she conned me into two signitures.
There is no such thing as a "temporary adoption." Once you sign the relinquishment papers, also known as termination of parental rights and consent for adoption, you are no longer considered your child's legal mother. Did you not read the documents you were signing?
I have a feeling that what you thought you were doing was placing your child under your friend's temporary legal guardianship. That is completely different than adoption. I would encourage you to call Legal Aid (they're in the phone book) and see if they can help you sort this all out.
Actually, depending on your state, you can opt for placing your child in temporary custody of someone.
You should not sign any papers, especially relinquishment papers, as that is an indication of a voluntary adoption. You ought to be able to get a court appointed attorney assigned to you, hopefully free of charge.
Don't sign ANYTHING without having a lawyer look over it first. As other posters indicated you can get free legal help from legal aid. Personally, at this point you already know she is not being honest with you, so I would refuse to meet with her without you having legal representation. She already IS keeping you from seeing your daughter, signing more forms isn't likely to change that one way or another.
I agree, don't sign anything. Adoption is not the same as temporary guardianship. Adoption is permanent. Adoption means you end up with no rights at all.
I agree, don't sign anythign regardless of what she says. Tell her that your attorney advised you not to sign anything until you meet with him. Then find yourself an attorney as soon as possible to get some legal advice regarding your situation. It may already be too late to legally regain custody, but I wouldn't sign anything else unless you an attorney lets you know what it is you are actually agreeing to.