I am wondering if anyone has any experience with this...
I have 2 half siblings...boys aged 7 and 9. They do not know about me yet, but should be told soon because my bmum has invited me round in january. I am worried that they may be weird with me, or think I;m stealing thier mother....I really want them to like me and accept me.
Does anyone have experrience with this...or even just knowledge about kids of this age and how they may react?
Also, any tips on how i may be able to make it easier...or how to increase the chances of them liking me? Maybe I could ask them if they mind me spending some time with my bmum (their mum) so that they feel like they have some control? And hope that they say yes of course...
I think it's great that you are concerned for them and how they will handle it, but I would leave the management of that to their mother, rather than try to take it on yourself.
I would not ask their "permission" as I don't think it's the solution for them to feel like they have control over it, since giving them any control over the contact between you and your bmum isn't really appropriate. It is a decision between adults.
I'm guessing that you're scared that a negative reaction on their part might derail things that have started out in a such a positive way, which is understandable. I do think it's appropriate to acknowledge them and do what you can to assure them, but mostly allow and trust your bmum to handle it, especially at their age.
I hope the visit goes well for all of you. :)
I read your other post in the forum, and your situation is very similar to my own (oddly enough, I'm visiting my birthmother in January in Ohio). I have a half-brother who is 9, and he accepted me from the get-go (when he was 7). I agree with the other person who posted, your contact with your birthmother is between you and her, regardless of your half siblings. I know it's a bit intimidating, but I think it should be something to excited for. At that age, children are impressionable, which means they're probably more open to you as a person. My brother sent me an e-mail the other day in fact, telling me how excited he was that I'm visiting (fantastic thing to wake up to in the morning).
I have, to some extent, had the flip side, though. My half sister, who is 19, has completely shut me out of her life, and I think it's because she's fully formed as a person, has a life that I am not a part of (no confirmation on this, though), and that might be different if I had known her earlier in her life.
So, be excited that you have younger half-brothers. I don't think it necessarily hurts to ask questions about permission and stuff, but when I asked my brother if he was okay with it, his answer was a resounding yes. And again, what the person before me said is sound. Your birthmother should have a gauge of how they'll react.
Best of luck, and I hope it all goes well.
I agree with letting bmom handle it. I have young half siblings and I let her explain to them and control what was going on.What did help was to give them a little space. When I met them I was friendly but hung back when I sensed they were feeling shy. I gave them a bit of space and then later would sit down with them on the floor and just ask to play what they were playing, or ask questions about their toys - easy conversations. I felt like this let them know that I was interested but not interfering. After a visit or 2 like this, they expressed their curiosity about me and began asking me questions and wanting me to play with them. They just needed to see that I was a safe person who cared about them, but wasn't wanting to make them uncomfortable or rock their world too much. Let me know by PM if you need any more help - I'd be happy to share my experience. It has worked out beautifully for us and we have so much fun every time we are together!
My bdaughter was 18 when she met her half siblings, 8yrs, 5yrs and 4yrs. They had found out about about 6months prior that she was 'out there'. They were very very very excited when she first came to visit. She broke the ice by bringing them a small gift each.
Roll on 16yrs. My middle raised daughter has for the last year been living with bdaughter, hubby and wee boy...caring for bdaughters son two days a week! One thing bdaughter said to raised daughter the other day was...gee you kids were hard work when you were were sooooo shy!!!
I know how much they looked forward to her visits and the time they spent with even if your half brothers appear reserved it won't necessarily mean they don't love having you around! My kids adored her.
Good luck
I have a 6 year old and a 2 year old who are full siblings to the son I placed for adoption. he is now almost 15. My 6 year old pleads for an older brother on a regular basis and we are on the verge of discussing his older brother existance with him. I would be eager to hear how things go for you.
Also- kids so young are easy- they accept what we as adults show them is normal. If your birth mother shows love they will see that and love you too. Don't underestimate their longing at such a young age for what they may intuativly know to be true.
Play with them and show them love and you will be golden.
I hope you all grow to love and support one another as siblings should!
Just wanted to give an update.
My bmum to,d my brothers about me 2 days before my first visit.....and she said she will never forget their reactions. They were over the moon. They both sent me messages that night saying how they couldn't wait to meet me.
When we saw each other, they have me a big hug, then went all shy. But they asked to sleep with me that night :). That was a year ago, and Sam still asks to sleep in my bed every time I'm over. They love me to bits and I love them!! They say things like 'I've always wanted a big sister' 'I will always love you''s been a year and we still can't get enough of each other.
With my mum, it's a little more complicated!