We are in the beginning stages of domestic adoption. We started out with on agency and even submitted a formal application. We decided to go with another agency that required less money up front. We have been working on that application.
Just recently I learned about adoption facilitators and discovered Lifetime. It seems a little bit scary to me being so new to the process. I don't really understand how it works without an agency.
I would like some insight along with pros and cons of an agency and a facilitator. Also if anyone has had experience with Lifetime or with Lifeline Children's Services in Alabama please PM me. Thanks for your help.
An adoption facilitator is a person who assists in the matching of a birth mother and her baby with an adopting family. Unlike a licensed child adoption agency most child adoption facilitators are not licensed. If the adoption facilitator (other than an attorney) is providing services without cost, there is normally no problem, but if they are charging a fee, many states have prohibited using the facilitator.