Hi Cpacyndi,
It really depends on several things. Your current relationship status with your mom and dad. Their personalities and insecurities regarding searching.
If all things are good then you need to decide whether or not you feel like you want to meet your original family before or after you tell your mom and dad. That is completely up to you, some want to figure out if the relationship will continue before bringing it up - others want to go in with everyone knowing. Only you can make that decision.
What I would suggest is that you try to keep everything very neutral when talking to them. That you made the decision and had someone search and they found them. Reassure them they have nothing to fear in your new journey. You need to figure out how much or how little support you want them to provide and tell them that as well.
What I would also suggest is that you don't allow your words to bias them one way or the other - sometimes things get blown way out of context. Things like saying "The reception I received from my birth mom was somewhat "unenthusiastic"," may be taken as she's a cold woman who really doesn't want to know you so why bother. Sometimes parents do this and only you know your parents so just tread carefully. You may find that your birth mother was just kind of shell-shocked at the news and feels differently - or you may find she isn't interested but until you know more - I would just remain neutral and say it is too early to tell what they really think or feel.
If you did talk about searching with your mom and dad that is probably the best way to bring it up. Whatever is true is generally the best - you didn't tell them when you were searching because you didn't know if there was anything to tell until now - if that is the truth then say that.
Whatever way works best for you is what you need to do. They probably will be a bit (or a lot) insecure during this time so make sure you keep the same level of communication and visits happening now - it may be a very scary time for them.
Kind regards,