Happy Baby's mom called me last Friday, this is the first I have heard from her in about 4 weeks. I didn't speak with her but she left me a voicemail. Here are the highlights
1. She is clean/sober and will give a clean UA. (I am sure not without a little help from a cleaning substance). She has not been clean in 13 years except for jail time. There is NO WAY a drug addict can be released from jail right back into the same environment and not relapse. I am worried she might be back to pure heroin (instead of the methadone.)
2. She has called CPS so many times at so many numbers and no one will call her back. There is only 1 person with 1 phone number to call and that is the caseworker. I confirmed with CW that she has not heard from mom.
3. Never asked about Happy Baby; only said that "other people" are telling her she should call me everyday to check on him....hum NO!
Of course I called the CW right after this voicemail and she is coming over tonight to speak with us about the Dispositional hearing in December. I am hoping she will gives us some insight on the case plan and what biomom needs to do and how long they plan to give her since this is the second child she has lost due to her drug addiction.
I do feel somewhat bad for biomom, at this point in her life she can't help it. She has no concept that she has 3 separate court cases to tackle and she doesn't seem to understand that DH and I have full legal custody of Happy Baby. The PO will not be removed at this next hearing so Happy Baby will be 8 months old before mom can even lay eyes on him. But then again she is also looking at a 12 month jail sentence for being a fugitive for over a year.
At least we know that we can sit back and enjoy the holidays with Happy Baby. The entire family is so excited that he will be here for Thanksgiving and Christmas!