I thought I would post an update. It's been awhile. We adopted DS back in early 2005 at just shy of 13 months. He has been a wonderful addition to our family and I wouldn't change a thing. Yes, there have been some struggles with school and yes, he was diagnosed with and medicated for ADHD a little over a year and a half ago. He's in 3rd grade and doing well. We just moved to another state so he is having some transition issues, but then again, we all are. The main reason that I am posting is that DS's diagnosis started me suspecting that something was going on with another child. It took 18 months of fighting, but today, my 11th grade BIOLOGICAL DD was diagnosed with ADD and a learning disability. My point here is that it can happy to anybody with ANY child. If you feel called to Russia then read up on things, prepare and jump right in. Just remember to keep pushing if you think something isn't right. Don't rely on the school system.
Great post! I couldn't agree more. Good to hear that you found what works for your son, and it's all under control. I am sure you have a plan for your DD to help her to deal with her struggles.
Here are some comments (from an old post) regarding ADHD that might provide some help for those of you tackling this issue:
Wow, tbristow, I stand in your "amen" corner. My eldest bio DD wasn't diagnosed with ADD until she was 15 - a good five years too late, IMHO, but I did not know enough to know there was an "ADD" without the "H" - which she definitely did not have. I've read this is pretty common for girls. Duh.
A few years later, my Julia - then in 3rd grade - was diagnosed "classic" ADHD. A Concerta a day keeps the folder signings away. Been a huge, huge help to her. Let me assure you - we know when she hasn't taken it. I spend the entire day saying, "Julia. JULIA. JULIA!!!!"
So I, too, have a bio DD and an adopted DD, both with attention deficit. So yeppers - it happens.