This a long shot but I'm running out of ideas. I was born on 2-28-85 in lexington Ky. My mother was born in Pennsylvania in 1957. She was the olderst of four children. She had two brothers born in 1960 and 1962 and a sister born in 1961. The brother that was born in 62 went to the army while the other brother worked for a moving company. Her grandfather worked for a police agency. My mother had four daughters before me. Their years of birth are 76, 77, 80, 81. My non-identifying paperwork said she had not seen her other children for a while by the time I was born. I've been searching in Ky with no luck. I was thinking possibly my mother moved from Pennsylvania after the state possibly might have taken her daughters. Like i said, long shot. If any af this sounds familiar please email me directly at Thank you.