We sent in our homestudy on two little siblings. There were 15 other families who sent in theirs also. We were contacted after the CW received our homestudy through email stating "I will contact you if we are interested in having you participate in a staffing". I know what a staffing is, but how long until people are contacted. It has been 1 week. Is there an average wait time? Do most CW atleast notifiy you when you are not chosen? Our CW is not helpful at all. And acts like she just wants us to foster and not adopt, I know our area is short on foster homes. I think she is afraid that once we adopt we will be done fostering. It is so frustrating to not have someone to ask these type of questions. Thank you.
Always I don't think they is a particular amount of time before you hear from the CW. Some people say they never hear back and some say they only hear back if they are interested. Only time will tell and I also think it depends on the CW, their caseload and the area that you are in. You are right though...when you don't have the support staff to help walk you through the process it does become EXTREMELY frustrating. Hang in there and if you need an email pal don't hesitate to email me.
[[The problem with the whole DCF and adoption systems and why there is too much adoption is because the truth is, social workers in DCF mentally abuse biological parents. Biological parents are told they are terrible parents because they have to work. The DCF contradicts the welfare reform system, that is why foster strangers should not be receiving checks either, it is time that foster strangers work work work and be shut off any state, and/or government checks as well. There is too much human suffering, that being, biological parents are suffering deeply while strangers have their kids, a stay at home pay. DCF is not a human service system. Please view links:
Petition To: The White House and President Barack Obama
We sent in our homestudy on two little siblings. There were 15 other families who sent in theirs also. We were contacted after the CW received our homestudy through email stating "I will contact you if we are interested in having you participate in a staffing". I know what a staffing is, but how long until people are contacted. It has been 1 week. Is there an average wait time? Do most CW atleast notifiy you when you are not chosen? Our CW is not helpful at all. And acts like she just wants us to foster and not adopt, I know our area is short on foster homes. I think she is afraid that once we adopt we will be done fostering. It is so frustrating to not have someone to ask these type of questions. Thank you.[/QUOTE]
As an adoptive mom of 3..the process is different every single time. There is now way to tell how long it will be.
Unfortunately there is only one set of kiddos, and 15 homes basically in a competition for them. A lot of times you never hear back..