My HB an I are fostering our to GB boys(18m an 4yrs). My stepdaughter who i rasise as my own untill her BM came back into her life. We are going this week to court to have the goal changed from reunification to adoption. BF33.+3+. is a low life who has been in trouble for years has already lost 4 children to cys from previous relationship. We took the boys on 3/2/2011 BB2 has been with us realy sence birth an we had BB1 most of the time. Bm is in jail 4/12/11 an still isnt sentenced.We have had BB1 to get glasses he couldnt see, put in K3, have wrap around survices an speech, ot,pt and now he has a diagnosis of Autism. He does not speek an isnt potty trained.They both referr to us as mom an dad in there own ways.BM has biweakley visits in jail witch her Bm PAys for to make her self look good an BF has 1x a month visits an hasnt been to in 6 months. Now the other GM who is worthless an hasnt been in the boys life till they were starting to change goal to adoption. so I had to against my hole beaing had to let the boys go visit her bi weakley for 2 hours, BB2 screams bloody murder when he sees her. Im to the point its not right to let them go with her,She has been told numerouse times NO you can not adopt an she doent get the point. Should I just cut it with her an her boyfriend she insists the boys call him papap.(Cw doesnt like that at all) So far CW's We have had 3. Do not like her or the BF. She is manipulative an a lyer ive delt with her an her backstabing for 20 years an quite frankley im done...So far knock wook the system is working for uS an the boys:clap:
She called at 8pm lastnight An i told her it was best not to let the boys go...She had her Bf call me an try to intimidate me an she threatened me of FB I took pics of it an today it was gone. I called Er # for cys an they told me next time call the cops an have them call cys. She has no standing.. She is just gona make it hard to prociede with adoption an Im at my end being nice to her..