I am having an issue. I have a relationship with my birth families, however, a few on my birth father's side seem to take EVERYTHING I post on FB as an attack and judgemental and proceed to call me names or make some seriously crazy accusations (I try as best as I can to stick with discussing the issue, not the person, and what I post is on my wall not directed at anyone, usually just quotes or new articles). This week one told me to jump in a lake after telling me I was judgmental and not Christlike and ended with a quote from her grandmother about going to hell. The other cut me off again after saying that I am self-righteous and criticizing my choice in friends (the last time he told me off he was extremely rude about my family in which I 100% told him to back off and that he has no right to be so rude about people that he does not know).
Needless to say I do not know if I should do a full pull-back or a partial pull-back (just calling bio dad and bio grandma on the phone but not visiting). Normally I would just pull back and let things cool off, but I have a biological half sister who is my daughter's age and well she and my daughter enjoy spending time together the times we get together every few months. I could always arrange to just spend time with her through her mom (who doesn't talk to bio dad).
I grew up in a family that was a loud and proud opinionated Italian/Irish family. We fought, we talked over each other, we were sometimes rude, but at the end, we forgave and love each other. We all love debate and maybe that is why we do not take it personally when someone disagrees. The way my biological family members act as adults is shocking to say the least, or at least, not what I am use to. What would you do (or have you done) with this kind of conflict with birth family?
Thank you again. I am not the type of person who wants to cut off anyone and don't think opinions are worth walking away from people which is why I am stuck right now.