I pm'd her the following after her latest unnecessary reported post.
Please stop reporting every post that you think is "argumentative" or not in line with your views. Our moderators are taking care of things and just because something might be argumentative or disagreeable doesn't mean it's breaking the forum rules of discussion.
We appreciate the reported posts for spam, outright rule violations, attacks (not difference of opinion), and things like trolls.
Thank you,
Crick - Forums Administrator
Ooh, what Debbie said!!! Do you think she will ever get it. I think Temporary Mom hit it on the head about her problem. Anyone who dares to differ with her is wrongheaded and argumentative. I can't see her dealing well with the foster system!
She has been very argumentative since her first few posts. She always seems to be accusing CPS of something and sometimes I have to wonder if she isn't making up all of those stories or finding weird fostercare stories on the web. She's an attention whore.