SO we are in the process of getting licensed and my plan is to use daycare while I am at work. I am just wondering am I going to have to use theg per diem to pay for it, or do foster children qualify for the daycare voucher system in Indiana.
any info is appreciated!!!
They do qualify. BUT there is usually a wait of several months to a couple years. However, they have released a ton of people off the wait list in the last 6 months. They are by far the rudest people you will encounter. Ask your Caseworker for a referral. They are called CCDF. They don't always cover the whole cost, but leave a pretty reasonable co pay in most cases. Each child or sibling group is it's own case so if you had two unrelated foster kids, one could get on the list, but you would start over when placed with the 2nd.
So i picked up my son early from after school care has been going there a year or so and i walk up n workers r YELLING at kids to get in line blah blah to go back inside. Ru kdding me!!! Not just older kids but little kids 2 and up. Im just sick about it. I gotta get him out of there n i have nephew who i am fostering who was gonna go there. I hate daycare so much!!!