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Thread: baby registry
In the end- we called it a "Prep for Parenthood Party" and on the cute- gender neutral invitations, my friend put "We invite you to help BS and DH celebrate and prepare for "The Call" for a newborn-1 year old baby boy or girl. The people invited were close family and friends and they all knew our plan, so it was the farthest thing from awkward- it was just a fun party with lots of baby stuff. We registered for the general things you need- diapers in different sizes- WIPES- you can NEVER have enough wipes, pacis, basic care items, baby moniter, sound machine, boppy pillow, bottles, bibs (never too many bibs either). I think it is good if you know your age range to register for toys and books too. About the only thing we avoided was clothing- and you will get a small clothing reimbursement if it is the way my state works. Gift cards are great- I did go and get a few gender neutral onsies. If there is someone who wants to shower you let them! New foster/adoptive parents need things just as much as birth parents! And it is fun to prepare!
I LOVE this idea! I am doing foster to adopt for 0-2 and I have no bio kids. I would love this!