*sorry, that should say "question"!
Hi there,
We have just located an awesome agency we want to work with to foster adopt an older (4yrs-8yrs) child. We are doing fingerprinting in the next month and then beginning our home study. My question is this:
My husband and I got pregnant with DD six weeks after we began dating at the end of 2003. We were married in 2005 because we felt it was the "right thing to do" when DD was 9 months old. But we were young (21 and 22) and decided a few months later that we didn't want to be married, didn't want to live in the same house, etc. We separated and then began filing for divorce in the beginning of 2008. Throughout this time we still loved each other, but we just had some growing to do. Divorce was finalized in July 2008. We were dating when it finalized- but we wanted to clear the slate and start over. If we were to get married again we wanted it to be for the right reasons. In 2010 we moved back in together. 2011 we moved to Colorado and were married and 2012 we bought a home together. It's been 3 years of solidly living together- we have utilized couple's therapy to continuously improve our communication. We are dedicated to each other and have already been through it all and back and love each other even more now than we ever did 10 years ago. He's my best friend and my soul mate and we are ready to grow our family. Even when we were living separately we were amazing co-parents. We still went places together with DD, took her to the movies, we never involved her in any way with anything negative. She was very loved by both of us and we acted as a family even when a divorce occurred.
My question is this: would a social worker see our separation/divorce/remarriage as something unstable that would work against us?
if you explain it just like you did here, you'll be fine
DH and I separated about 10 years prior to adopting J.
I disclosed and was asked what was the root of the issue, how did we resolve it, how did we move forward. Showing we were able to grow from the experience was seen as a positive (at least in our case)
good luck
if you explain it just like you did here, you'll be fine
DH and I separated about 10 years prior to adopting J.
I disclosed and was asked what was the root of the issue, how did we resolve it, how did we move forward. Showing we were able to grow from the experience was seen as a positive (at least in our case)
good luck
Thank you for sharing! So happy to hear that :)