Hello - I posted under another thread/topic. I apologize if already viewed.
I contacted Wednesday's Child regarding a specific child. I told the receptionist I was not in a position to foster or adopt but wanted to see if there was an opportunity to help this child e.g. financialy, mentor/volunteer etc. She said she would pass my contact info onto the SW to contact me. It has been 3 weeks. Is this standard or does the caseload and the fact that I stated I wasn't able to foster or adopt simply place me at the lower end of her priorities? Is there anything else I should do or is there a protocol I am not following.
I also sent a email inquiry through adopts with no response. I appreciate your feedback as a professional in the field.
I would really like to offer this child ( multiple disabilities) assistance and kindness.
I am a MSW, adoptive parent, and foster parent. Also was featured on adoption photolisting and have been matched with kids from there and adoption exchange!
It is amazing that you want to help. But... in "other" ways to help the kiddo is pretty hard. One- they are usually busy trying to find adoptive placements. Plus, financially- the kiddo gets medicaid and subsidy so making a "financial" contribution isnt really feasible. Also, unless you are licensed usually it is pretty difficult to be able to see the children due to confidentiality. Also, usually discouraged since they want to introduce as few people as possible especially when trying to connect them to a new family.
Therefore while your kindness is amazing... it is probably not in their priority list and I would even be surprised if you heard back at all. Not because it is going unnoticed but because there are bigger fish to fry, and lack of area were they could use your help for a specific child since you will not adopt. Possibly, get licensed as a respite home?
Last update on November 17, 9:41 am by Sachin Gupta.
I am a MSW, adoptive parent, and foster parent. Also was featured on adoption photolisting and have been matched with kids from there and adoption exchange!
It is amazing that you want to help. But... in "other" ways to help the kiddo is pretty hard. One- they are usually busy trying to find adoptive placements. Plus, financially- the kiddo gets medicaid and subsidy so making a "financial" contribution isnt really feasible. Also, unless you are licensed usually it is pretty difficult to be able to see the children due to confidentiality. Also, usually discouraged since they want to introduce as few people as possible especially when trying to connect them to a new family.
Therefore while your kindness is amazing... it is probably not in their priority list and I would even be surprised if you heard back at all. Not because it is going unnoticed but because there are bigger fish to fry, and lack of area were they could use your help for a specific child since you will not adopt. Possibly, get licensed as a respite home?
Thank you for your response and insight. I assumed as such but wanted to see if there were any options I wasn't aware. I received a call from the coordinator who shared similar comments. She did say the child was placed with relatives and while that may or may not lead to adoption he was with family. I was happy to hear this -I am hopeful that is a good situation for the child. Thank you again for your response!
Last update on November 17, 9:42 am by Sachin Gupta.
You are welcome! I am in the process of getting licensed again to adopt once more... Is there a way you could get licensed to do respite to help kids that way?