23 years ago i placed my son up for adoption (not by true choice) and have since met him. We had a wonderful 1 year of reuniting and now for 2 years we are not speaking. I have tried in many ways to reach out to discuss/talk about our falling out. He will not recipticate back. He does though stay in touch with my sisters and brother. This absoluetly breaks my heart. I know it is good that there is a connection. Holds hope for me and him, but in the mean time I am dying. I have God in my life and daily lifting it up to him. I know that he still wants me to reach out and bond with others that are feeling my pain and desperation. I hope this post gets answered and that I am not involved in a forum that is not active.
God has lead me here.... lets see what happens.
Thank you
im sad for you, i have had a strange behaviur toward biological mother too, found her i said "i kiss and hug you, your daughter". but i rejected her. I was in shoc n all was surreal.