My FKs have been with me for 2 years. The goal is still RU in 12 months as of the last court date which was early August. Mom just recently got unsupervised 1x/week. Its moving VERY slowly. So, I'm wondering -- whats the longest any of you have had FK who were ultimately RUed rather than going to TPR or parents giving up rights?
My ffds were in care 4 1/2 years, 2 with us, then RU. after 3 (horrible, abusive) years they were taken again, now they are with bm...hopefully for good.
(We did not know they were abused!!! Just found out 4 month ago. Abuser is awaiting trial)
A friend of mine had her lo from 8 month till 4 1/2 years, then ru :(
I can not even imagine her pain...
State of Texas doesn't play. Case plans are 12 months from date that state gets TMC. In extenuating circumstances max 6 more months. 18 months from state TMC, either RU, Adoption or case closed (kids return to care giver before TMC) State law.So, if bios are locked up during this time, TPR can and will take place.Because of these time lines is the reason DH and I agreed to be a foster to adopt family. There is no way I could do what many of you do, wait for YEARS, and then RU. I would have never even got licensed.
9kids: wow! Texas rocks! But do you find kids bouncing in and out of foster care with clock restarted each time?
Sissy: I can't imagine. :(
Two years to the day for my girls. These timelines are too generous for littles. Often, the children lose any bond that they may have had with bio mom, bond with foster mom, then lose that and perhaps the ability to truly bond forever again.