I am here to locate and hopefully unite my family. my mom gave my brother up for adoption, because no one would help her. he was 2 and i was 8 months. she was living in her car trying to get out of a bad situation. her family would take me but not him., my biological fathers family was the same way. she left me with my father around Christmas i think and went to an adoption agency with my brother, she did not have a job or money or food, much less shelter. she said she cried for months after. she came and got me back from my father when i was 2. any way i think my brothers first name was not changed so it would have been James Mathew Fults at birth, born on July 22, 1972 in Jeffferson county Hospital in Harris county TEXAS i believe. the hospital is no longer there. i have known almost my whole life i had a brother. i used to tell my mom when i was little i wished i had an older brother, then one day after i turned 13 she told me the story. from about 18yr old i started searching. i thought i came across the person or people but not sure. So i come here for hopefully more help and a true unite, that will finally see my mom be at inner peace with herself.:flower: